Membership at COPOCO

COPOCO has an active membership, ranging from young families to singles to active older adults. We currently have membership openings, and we welcome your application! For more details or to plan a visit, please contact us. To join, please fill out our membership application.

Membership Includes:

  • Access to pool with certified lifeguards

  • Access to tennis courts May-October

  • Group swimming lessons for children

  • Opportunity to register kids for day camp and swim team

  • Group tennis lessons and clinics for all ages

  • Frequent social events

  • Year round access to grounds

Full Membership

Full membership allows full season access to COPOCO facilities and programs, including the pool and tennis courts for a member household. The family has access to swimming and tennis lessons and organized tennis play such as lessons, clinics and tournaments. Full members own stock, have voting privileges, and may invite guests per the COPOCO guest policy. Caregivers may accompany children to the facility. Full members have a volunteer service requirement of 2 hours pool prep in the spring and 2 hours of other volunteer duties.

Full Membership Fees:

  • Annual Dues:

    • $1190 if paid prior to May 6

    • $1240 if paid after May 6

    • Capital Fee: $100 (Beginning in Year 3 of membership)

  • Joining Fees: $900 initiation + $100 stock fee, with option to divide over Years 1 and 2 of membership*

More information on what member fees cover is provided below

Tennis-Level Membership

The Tennis Level Membership is for adult individuals or couples who are only interested in using the tennis courts and whose children are at least 14. The Basic Level of Tennis Membership allows for unlimited use of the tennis courts. Tennis members who purchase the Tennis Class Add-on enjoy unlimited access to drop-in tennis lessons, clinics and tournaments led by instructors throughout the summer. Tennis members may invite guests per the COPOCO guest policy. Tennis level members own stock and have voting privileges, unless the stock was sold back to COPOCO in an earlier year. Tennis members have a volunteer service requirement of 2 hours during the season.

Unlike other clubs, COPOCO does not charge court fees. Annual dues cover the entire tennis season, which extends for about 5 months, from approximately mid-May to October.

Basic Level Tennis Membership Fee:

  • Annual dues: $475** (COPOCO does not have court fees)

  • Joining Fees: $450 initiation + $100 stock fee, with option to divide over Years 1 and 2 of membership*

  • Capital Fee: $50 (Beginning in Year 3 of membership)

Unlimited Tennis Class & Clinic Add-on:

  • $200 additional

*If new member chooses to divide joining fees over 2 years, 50% are due in the first year and stock is purchased in Year 2 of membership.

Sustaining Membership

A Sustaining Membership is for individuals or household couples who have been Full Members consistently for more than 10 years and whose youngest child is at least 14 years old. The membership is mainly a tennis and grounds membership, with limited pool access. Sustaining members may use the tennis courts and visit the grounds as much as they want during the season, but are limited to 7 pool visits. (For more pool visits, they may upgrade in a given year to a Full Membership). Sustaining members may bring guests to the courts and grounds per the COPOCO guest policy, or out-of-town family guests to the pool. The basic-level sustaining membership does NOT allow for participation in any organized tennis program (classes, clinics) or reserved court time program facilitated by instructors. To participate in these programs, Sustaining members must purchase a Tennis Class Add-on. Sustaining members, upon selecting this category, forfeit their stock and voting privileges. They do not have a volunteer requirement, though they are encouraged to volunteer and come to social events.

Sustaining members that wish to upgrade their membership in a given year to include the Tennis Class Add-on (Sustaining + Tennis) or unlimited pool use (Sustaining + Pool and Tennis/Full membership) are invited to do so.

Basic Sustaining Membership Fee:

  • Annual Dues: $525** (COPOCO does not charge court fees)

Unlimited Tennis Class & Clinic Add-on (Sustaining + Tennis Level):

  • $200 additional

**$475 is allocated to the operating budget, while $50 of this is allocated to the Capital Fund to cover depreciation

What Do My Fees Cover?

Annual Fees: This fee covers annual operating expenses, including the costs of keeping and maintaining the land and facilities, hiring staff such as lifeguards and tennis pros, annual maintenance, and a modest social budget. Since COPOCO is volunteer run and members contribute time and skills, some of COPOCO’s operating costs are reduced. This is reflected in the price.

Capital Fee: Our facilities, including the pool, tennis courts, road, and pool house, require maintenance and renewal in the long term. This fee covers depreciation from current member use and goes to our reserve for maintaining, upgrading and renewing these assets. This fee is part of required annual dues.

Stock Fee: Stock is purchased one time at the completion of joining payments and represents your ownership in the club. Stockholders may vote, with one vote per share. Stock is $100 per share and refundable when a member resigns, provided other payments are complete.

Initiation Fee: This is required for new members only during the first year of membership (with an option to divide over the first two years) and goes towards our operating budget and the reserve. It helps support the pool, tennis courts, and other facilities you will enjoy as a member!

Requesting a Membership Leave of Absence and COPOCO Rejoin Policy

Members may request in writing to the Board one, one- year suspension of membership.  They will be billed the $450 during the suspended year.  The exception is medical leave of absence or special circumstances that are reviewed by the board on a case-by-case basis. Members that suspend their membership have no access to the facility and no voting rights that year.  Regular dues would resume upon return to active membership the following year.

Members who resigned COPOCO prior to 12/1/11 - If they choose to rejoin they will have to join as new members following all category rules for Tennis or Full membership 

Members who resigned COPOCO on or after 12/1/11 -

After application review and approval by the membership chair, they will be asked to pay a $450 re-joining fee, and then regular dues for the Tennis or Full membership category following eligibility rules. They will also need to repurchase stock if it was refunded after first resignation ($100).